Straight Talk to Teachers
Twenty Insane Ideas for a Better Classroom
In a no-holds-barred, candid delivery, Straight Talk to Teachers: Twenty Insane Ideas for a Better Classroom drives directly to the core of what makes an extraordinary teacher, and presents an honest appraisal of why some teachers fail. Bruce J. Gevirtzman speaks to teachers, about teachers, and for teachers. He says, 'This book will provide readers with a hearty laugh-but it also may cause some of them to scream. Rarely does anyone talk about the best ways of helping teachers to become better, because these truths are sometimes scary.' Gevirtzman is convinced that our greatest teachers are hard working, emotionally well adjusted, and incredibly enthusiastic-about their students, their subject matter, and their jobs. By telling it straight, this book can make a huge difference in the way teachers go about their work.
- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–x Preface i–x
- 237–240 Bibliography 237–240
- 241–242 About the Author 241–242