Spiritual Family Trees
Finding Your Faith Community's Roots
Wendland and Easterling show you how you can use genograms in your congregation as a tool for promoting spiritual growth, building community, and enhancing communication. Spiritual Family Trees gives congregations a powerful instrument for building more intimate spiritual communities.
Alban Books- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–vi Preface i–vi
- 1–14 CHAPTER 1 1–14
- 15–30 CHAPTER 2 15–30
- 31–44 CHAPTER 3 31–44
- 45–58 CHAPTER 4 45–58
- 59–76 CHAPTER 5 59–76
- 77–88 CHAPTER 6 77–88
- 89–96 CHAPTER 7 89–96
- 97–106 CHAPTER 8 97–106
- 107–110 NOTES 107–110
- 111–113 BIBLIOGRAPHY 111–113