Historical Dictionary of Ancient Egypt
Historical Dictionary of Ancient Egypt, Third Edition covers the whole range of the history of ancient Egypt from the Prehistoric Period until the end of Roman rule in Egypt based on the latest information provided by academic scholars and archaeologists. This is done through a revised introduction on the history of ancient Egypt, the dictionary section has over 1,000 dictionary entries on historical figures, geographical locations, important institutions and other facets of ancient Egyptian civilization. This is followed by two appendices one of which is a chronological table of Egyptian rulers and governors and the other a list of all known museums which contain ancient Egyptian objects. The volume ends with a detailed bibliography of Egyptian historical periods, archaeological sites, general topics such as pyramids, languages and arts and crafts and the publications of Egyptian material in museums throughout the world.
burial customs ancient history Pharaohs Pyramids Egyptian archaeological sites Egyptology- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–xvi Preface i–xvi
- 1–12 Introduction 1–12
- 13–272 THE DICTIONARY 13–272
- 331–478 Bibliography 331–478
- 479–480 About the Author 479–480