ADHD Medication
Does It Work and Is It Safe?
Answers the two most important questions about the use of medication to treat ADHD. Does medication work? And is it safe?
In ADHD Medication, Dr. Walt Karniski uses his 40 years of experience as a developmental pediatrician to address important concerns that parents have about the use of medication for the treatment of ADHD.
Because there is no medical diagnostic test to definitively “make a diagnosis” of ADHD, it is easy for critics to dismiss ADHD as a disorder fabricated by doctors, teachers, and pharmaceutical companies. Some parents blame themselves, and react with guilt, believing that they should have raised their child differently. So when you are presented with the diagnosis of a medical disorder in your child, is it any wonder that you might react with confusion, guilt, or denial? It doesn’t have to be that way.
Parents are surprised to learn that there are almost 50 different medications used to treat ADHD, representing only two primary medications. This book addresses such issues as how to determine if medication is needed, how to decide which medication is the right fit for your child, whether children can outgrow ADHD, how to eliminate medication side effects, and how you can discuss the need for medication with your child. Most importantly though, this book answers the questions: Does ADHD medication work, and is it safe?
This bookis a powerful resource for parents and practitioners alike seeking to understand the treatment of ADHD in children.
mental illness ADD ADHD ADHD counseling ADHD diagnosis ADHD medication ADHD medicine ADHD treatment medicating for ADHD treating ADHD children with ADHD kids mental health kids with ADHD learning difficulties attention deficit disorder attention deficit hyperactivity disorder drug abuse counseling for ADHD behavioral difficulties diagnosing ADHDKeywords
mental health- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–viii Preface i–viii
- 267–268 Afterword 267–268
- 269–282 Medication List 269–282
- 283–308 Notes 283–308
- 309–320 Index 309–320
- 321–322 About the Author 321–322