The Thinker's Guide to Ethical Reasoning
Based on Critical Thinking Concepts & Tools
In The Thinker’s Guide to Ethical Reasoning, Richard Paul and Linda Elder present the vital role of ethics in the creation and ultimate success of cooperative societies. Independent of religious or cultural norms, ethical concepts promote sustainable advancement and offer a framework by which all people can not only coexist but prosper.
Exploring the nature of ethical reasoning, the guide reveals the most common ways ethical reasoning becomes flawed and teaches readers how to avoid these flaws. It lays out the function of ethics and its main impediments, the social counterfeits of ethics, the elements of ethical reasoning, important ethical abilities and traits, a vocabulary of ethics, and intellectual standards essential to assessing ethical reasoning.
As part of the Thinker’s Guide Library, this book advances the mission of the Foundation for Critical Thinking to promote fairminded critical societies through cultivating essential intellectual abilities and virtues across every field of study across world.
Leadership Teaching Handbook Philosophy Student Seminar conflict resolution points of view professional development analyzing 101 types of questions secondary ed open minded teacher resource reasoning problem-solving civilized community college assessing higher ed course critical societies educational resource improve your life intellectual standards evaluating questionsKeywords
introduction debate textbook discussion rhetoric thought- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–3 Preface i–3
- 36–36 Conclusion 36–36
- 37–51 Appendices 37–51