Sweet Sorrow
Finding Enduring Wholeness after Loss and Grief
Few of us know how to navigate the territory of traumatic loss successfully. Sweet Sorrow shows how we can respond and grow stronger from loss and suffering. Written by a psychologist and certified bereavement trauma specialist in the decade following the loss of her husband, father, mother, and only sibling, this carefully considered work provides perspective on grief and healing over time. This longer-term approach allows readers to have a more complete and accurate picture of the oscillations of grief over time. The book describes not only the immediate agony of the author’s losses, but also the process of starting over and making a successful new life as a single person full of hope and joy.
Sweet Sorrow combines the author’s psychological expertise and clinical experience with the compelling art of memoir to illuminate the surprising ways in which loss survivors can grow and even thrive to achieve wholeness after heartbreaking, traumatic losses. Using findings from post-traumatic growth, as well as evidence-based psychological approaches, Sweet Sorrow illustrates through story and example, ways for grief survivors to start over, to manage chaos and stress, to let go, and to heal with new strategies and re-storying. Sweet Sorrow also provides resources and recommendations for self-care, as well as tips and suggestions for all of us trying to respond creatively and helpfully to those around us suffering loss.
Ultimately, Sweet Sorrow is a book of inspiration intended to accompany readers through the processes of loss and grief much like a helpful Sherpa might guide a lost traveler.
spouse death starting over starting over again sibling death parent death losing a cat losing a dog losing a friend losing your father losing your mother losing your wife loss of child loss of parents loss of spouse recovering from grief recovering from loss mourning sad from grief sadness child death grief activities grief and anger grief and anxiety grief and bereavement grief and depression grief and sorrow grief counseling grief disorder grief dreams grief emotions grief encouragement grief feelings grief for a child grief healing grief help grief management grief nausea grief never goes away grief numbness grief over loss of pet grief overload grief psychology grief reaction grief recovery grief recovery method grief relief grief rituals grief support grief support groups grief syndrome grief therapy complicated grief bereavement how to grieve cumulative grief deal with loss dealing with death dealing with grief dealing with heartache dealing with lossKeywords
grief loss sorrow- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–x Preface i–x
- 135–140 Epilogue: Jay 135–140
- 141–142 Contemplative Questions 141–142
- 143–154 Notes 143–154
- 155–160 Bibliography 155–160
- 161–168 Index 161–168
- 169–169 About the Author 169–169