Propaganda, Media, and Nationalism in Mainland China and Hong Kong
Propaganda, Media, and Nationalism in Mainland China and Hong Kong gives a clear and insightful introduction to the nature of media in China and Hong Kong and presents a conceptual discussion of propaganda. It presents two case studies of Chinese media control including the presentation of Taiwan, Xinjiang, and Tibet and the misrepresentation of the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong. This book also provides an important in-depth discussion of the battle between state propaganda and counter-propaganda in open societies, which can render them vulnerable to foreign governments, undermine civic society, and create dangerous polarization, as in the case of Hong Kong’s response to state media.
Political Science Propaganda Social Movements Journalism China Politics Chinese Media Chinese Politics Media Framing Counter-propaganda Asian Studies Hong Kong Nationalism Hong Kong Politics Independence Movement- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–xvi Preface i–xvi
- 117–122 Conclusion 117–122
- 123–148 References 123–148
- 149–152 Index 149–152
- 153–154 About the Author 153–154