Liberation Pedagogy
Elijah Muhammad and the Art of Soul Crafting
Liberation Pedagogy: Elijah Muhammad and the Art of Soul Crafting places the work of Elijah Muhammad in an educational context. Drawing from concepts in critical educational theory and Black liberation theology, it introduces to readers the contributions that Elijah Muhammad made to the education of oppressed people. It includes a comparative analysis of Paulo Freire’s work and its similarities to Elijah Muhammad’s teachings.A highlight of this book is that it explores the lives of Elijah Muhammad’s students—Minister Malcolm X, Imam Warith D. Mohammed, Minister Muhammad Ali, and Minister Louis Farrakhan—to demonstrate how his teachings touched the souls of these unlettered personalities. This book offers a liberation pedagogy that educators can use to inspire students to become life-long learners, enabling them to see the acquisition of knowledge as the vehicle to discover their unique gifts and talents.
Paulo Freire People of Color Minister Malcolm X Muhammad Ali africana studies Martin Luther King Jr. Imam Warith D. Mohammed Islam Black culture Black education Black educational history Black history Black liberation theology Black nationalism Black studies Black thought leaders African-American education Afrocentricity Cassius Clay social justice social justice education social justice histroy urban education multicultural education Louis Farrakhan Malcolm X educational history critical Black pedagogy critical educational theory critical pedagogy critical race theory educational philosophy ethnic studies- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–xvi Preface i–xvi
- 111–120 References 111–120
- 121–130 Index 121–130