Helping Teen Moms Graduate
Strategies for Families, Schools, and Community Organizations
Title IX is a federal lawthat prohibits federally funded educational institutions-- from elementary to university level-- from discriminating against students or employees based on sex. Title IX is best known for its application to female athletes, but Title IX also applies to pregnant and parenting students. It prohibits discrimination against them and protects their right to an education equal to their peers. Yet, fifty years after the passage of Title IX, 50% of pregnant and parenting students do not complete high school. This is largely because educational barriers push pregnant and parenting students out of school, and schools directly violate Title IX. What if those educational barriers exist at your school? What if your school is in direct violation of this federal law? Wouldn't you want to know? Helping Teen Moms Graduate will help ensure your school is in compliance and help you learn practical strategies to decrease the 50% high school pushout rate for this student population.
young parents Parenting Single Parenting Baby Mama teen mom teenagers motherhood pregnancy planning graduation- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–xxii Preface i–xxii
- 131–134 Bibliography 131–134
- 135–136 About the Author 135–136