Making Mandated Addiction Treatment Work
The second edition of Making Mandated Addiction Treatment Work integrates cutting edge research with evidence-based addiction treatments to create a unified and effective treatment model for mental health professionals and those in training. Because the largest and fastest growing segment of the community-based addiction treatment population includes those who are mandated, Barbara C. Wallace provides insightful best practices for tailoring addiction treatment to diverse and challenging clients, including those who may have a history of trauma or mental disorders, different levels of motivation, and a high risk of relapse.
Applicable in a variety of treatment settings in both urban and rural communities, this text weaves together new research and vivid case studies into a concise and practical resource. This book is ideal for practitioners and students of public health, criminal justice, and social welfare services.
opioid epidemic professional development social work textbook alcohol abuse counseling case studies coerced treatment- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–xxiv Preface i–xxiv
- 201–334 Part II: Training 201–334
- 335–348 References 335–348
- 349–364 Index 349–364
- 365–366 About the Author 365–366