Then We'll Sing a New Song
African Influences on America's Religious Landscape
Then We'll Sing a New Song is a fascinating examination of how African religions have shaped belief and practices in America. Not just the story of the development of African American religions or the black church, this book tells the often-unrecognized, but important story of how African religions have shaped religion in America more broadly.
Mary Ann Clark introduces readers to the cultures of three African kingdoms that contributed significant numbers of their population to the African slave trade, and also profoundly shaped religion in America—the Kingdom of Kongo, the Oyo Empire, and the Kingdom of Dahomey. Each of these groups has a unique history within the long history of the Atlantic slave trade and interacts with the Americas at a specific point in history. Clark shows how each may have had an influence on contemporary American beliefs and culture, sometimes in surprising ways. The book features a glossary, timeline, and maps.
Religion in America African American African American Religion African Studies Culture and Religion- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–viii Preface i–viii
- 193–198 Notes 193–198
- 199–208 Glossary 199–208
- 209–214 Timeline 209–214
- 215–218 Additional Readings 215–218
- 219–226 Bibliography 219–226
- 227–234 Index 227–234