The Films of Agnes Moorehead
Before she achieved immortality on the long-running situation comedy Bewitched, Agnes Moorehead had established a distinguished career as a character actress. After her screen debut in Citizen Kane (1941), Moorehead became one of the most familiar female faces on the silver screen. For moviegoers of the 1940s and ‘50s, she was the quintessential character actress, earning four Academy Award nominations during a career that saw her gain the respect of her peers in all four major entertainment media: radio, film, theater, and television.
In The Films of Agnes Moorehead, Axel Nissen looks at the actress’s sixty-three feature films between 1941 and 1973. Each film is profiled here, with particular emphasis placed on the films that merit closer attention: Citizen Kane, The Magnificent Ambersons, Mrs. Parkington, Dark Passage, All That Heaven Allows, The Left Hand of God, The Swan, Tempest, The Bat, and Hush… Hush, Sweet Charlotte. Arranged in chronological order, the discussion of these films highlights Moorehead’s contribution to each feature. In addition to analyzing her performances, the author discusses the development of Moorehead’s career as a whole, along with her relationship with various studios, directors, producers, and fellow actors.
Based on extensive interviews with the actress’s surviving friends and co-workers, as well as detailed archival research into primary sources, this book brings to light new information not just about Moorehead’s work in film, but on her life and career in general. Though this book will certainly appeal to movie buffs, The Films of Agnes Moorehead will also be of interest to students and scholars of classic Hollywood films, including those interested in women and film, gender studies, and film history.
- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–xviii Preface i–xviii
- 1–8 CITIZEN KANE 1–8
- 21–26 THE BIG STREET 21–26
- 27–31 JOURNEY INTO FEAR 27–31
- 37–41 GOVERNMENT GIRL 37–41
- 42–46 JANE EYRE 42–46
- 53–57 DRAGON SEED 53–57
- 58–62 THE SEVENTH CROSS 58–62
- 63–70 MRS. PARKINGTON 63–70
- 91–99 DARK PASSAGE 91–99
- 100–104 THE LOST MOMENT 100–104
- 105–109 SUMMER HOLIDAY 105–109
- 110–115 THE WOMAN IN WHITE 110–115
- 116–120 STATION WEST 116–120
- 121–126 JOHNNY BELINDA 121–126
- 127–133 THE STRATTON STORY 127–133
- 134–137 THE GREAT SINNER 134–137
- 138–142 WITHOUT HONOR 138–142
- 143–147 BLACK JACK 143–147
- 148–153 CAGED 148–153
- 154–159 FOURTEEN HOURS 154–159
- 164–167 SHOW BOAT 164–167
- 168–171 THE BLUE VEIL 168–171
- 172–176 THE BLAZING FOREST 172–176
- 177–179 THE STORY OF THREE LOVES 177–179
- 180–182 SCANDAL AT SCOURIE 180–182
- 183–188 MAIN STREET TO BROADWAY 183–188
- 199–203 UNTAMED 199–203
- 204–210 ALL THAT HEAVEN ALLOWS 204–210
- 211–217 THE LEFT HAND OF GOD 211–217
- 218–222 THE CONQUEROR 218–222
- 223–227 MEET ME IN LAS VEGAS 223–227
- 228–235 THE SWAN 228–235
- 242–245 PARDNERS 242–245
- 246–249 THE OPPOSITE SEX 246–249
- 255–258 JEANNE EAGELS 255–258
- 259–263 RAINTREE COUNTY 259–263
- 264–267 THE STORY OF MANKIND 264–267
- 268–275 TEMPEST 268–275
- 280–287 THE BAT 280–287
- 288–293 POLLYANNA 288–293
- 294–297 TWENTY PLUS TWO 294–297
- 298–301 BACHELOR IN PARADISE 298–301
- 302–305 JESSICA 302–305
- 306–310 HOW THE WEST WAS WON 306–310
- 311–315 WHO’S MINDING THE STORE? 311–315
- 328–333 THE SINGING NUN 328–333
- 339–344 DEAR DEAD DELILAH 339–344
- 345–347 CHARLOTTE’S WEB 345–347
- 348–352 BIBLIOGRAPHY 348–352
- 353–362 INDEX 353–362
- 363–364 ABOUT THE AUTHOR 363–364