Afrocentric Innovations in Higher Education
Afrocentric Innovations in Higher Education steps beyond the traditional texts centered on limited improvements to higher education by reconceptualizing and outlining Afrocentric interventions that enhance and improve the education of specifically people of African descent. This volume includes seven essays that highlight the transformative power of Africana Studies as a fundamentally liberatory discipline. In these thought provoking essays, readers encounter Afrocentric concepts that reevaluate the intent and design of higher education as a precursor for improving the educational outcomes and experiences of Black students. Afrocentric Innovations in Higher Education provides well-researched and pioneering perspectives on student services, teacher preparation, Africana Studies, career preparation, and the role of Africana Studies in Historically Black Colleges and Universities.
Black/Africana Studies Diversity Historically Black Colleges and Universities Social Justice- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–xvi Preface i–xvi
- 93–112 Making Gumbo 93–112
- 113–124 Index 113–124
- 125–126 About the Editors 125–126