Beyond Duality and Polarization
Understanding Barack Obama and His Vital Act of Participation
Beyond Duality and Polarization explores an experience-based learning model, the Phenomenal Patterning approach for personal transformation. Rather than traditional prescriptive learning, methods of personal discovery help us understand how the human mind actually functions. Dr. Koziey introduces two modern Zen skills, watching and catharsis, to increase self-awareness. This frees us from habitual patterns we learned in childhood. We identify the patterns of our own thinking and behaving and see that many of the problems we face are self-created. Repressions are revealed in the shadow psyche and we are able to dissolve our negativity. The overriding message is that when we stop fighting, life starts flowing again.
- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–xxii Preface i–xxii
- 253–258 Notes 253–258
- 259–262 Bibliography 259–262
- 263–266 Index 263–266