Animal Minds, Animal Souls, Animal Rights
Animal Minds, Animal Souls, Animal Rights explores the thinking of philosophers and theologians about controversies concerning animal consciousness and animal rights. The book presents Bernard Lonergan's theory about consciousness and the operations of the mind-a theory about two types of knowing and desiring: one shared by humans and animals, and the other, which depends on the activity of asking questions, possessed by humans alone. The author tests this theory against present-day research with apes, and examines religious claims, historical and current, about animals. Animal Minds, Animal Souls, Animal Rights concludes by laying a philosophical and theological foundation for a contemporary ethic in which humans are obligated to exercise intelligent stewardship and ensure the compassionate treatment of animals.
- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–x Preface i–x
- 127–138 Notes 127–138
- 139–148 Bibliography 139–148
- 149–154 Index 149–154
- 155–155 About the Author 155–155