America's Race Problem
A Practical Guide to Understanding Race in America
In this book, Lehman examines America's race problem with the understanding that America usually addresses race with the assumption that all things regarding race are presently correct and accurate. In so doing, America fails to confront the real problem of race. After discussing various aspects of race and its manifestations using both academic and secular references, the book presents a challenge to America to recognize its race problem by examining its present-day perceptions, language, and behavior. Some of the topics discussed include color, normalcy, racial priority, and slavery's legacy. The chapter 'The Race Box' will engage the reader in a discussion that can have a major impact on the way race is viewed by individuals in American society.
- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–xx Preface i–xx
- 79–84 Index 79–84
- 85–86 About the Author 85–86