Straight Talk for Principals
Based on 40 years of experience, author, Raymond Lemley, provokes thinking in this guide that addresses the ground level, mundane issues that confound principals daily. The book offers simple yet provocative answers to the befuddling things that require the principal's attention and demand the principal's mindful responses. It consists of 45 sections that present and explain a topic or theme. Readers will find an extensive profile of responses pointing to behaviors that will make him/her successful if put into practice and applied to the daily duties of the principalship. Bibliography included. Written specifically for principals about principals.
- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–viii Preface i–viii
- 25–29 7. Go Find Talent 25–29
- 101–102 26. Keep Things Simple 101–102
- 103–107 27. Anticipate Confusion 103–107
- 147–153 38. Plan for Change 147–153
- 166–167 43. Understand Ambiguity 166–167
- 192–193 About the Author 192–193