KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATION is a forum for all those interested in the organization of knowledge on a universal or a domain-specific scale, using concept-analytical or concept-synthetical approaches, as well as quantitative and qualitative methodologies. KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATION also addresses the intellectual and automatic compilation and use of classification systems and thesauri in all fields of knowledge, with special attention being given to the problems of terminology.
KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATION publishes original articles, reports on conferences and similar communications, as well as book reviews, letters to the editor, and an extensive annotated bibliography of recent classification and indexing literature.
KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATION should therefore be available at every university and research library of every country, at every information center, at colleges and schools of library and information science, in the hands of everybody interested in the fields mentioned above and thus also at every office for updating information on any topic related to the problems of order in our information-flooded times.
- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- 125–125 Editorial 125–125
- 126–148 Articles 126–148
- 153–154 FID/CR NEWS 3 153–154
- 155–156 INFOTERM NEWS 155–156
- 157–161 COCTA NEWS 157–161
- 162–172 Book Reviews 162–172
- 185–185 Letters to the Editor 185–185
- 186–186 In Memoriam 186–186