Religion - Wirtschaft - Politik

Edited by: Prof. Dr. Georg Pfleiderer, (geschäftsführend), Richard Amesbury, Martin Baumann, Paul Dembinski, Gerd Folkers, Jens Köhrsen, Antonius Liedhegener, Jürgen Mohn, Wolfgang Müller, Daria Pezzoli-Olgiati, Konrad Schmid, Jörg Stolz

The series ”Religion – Wirtschaft – Politik“ (Religion–Economy–Politics) provides a platform for academic publications by the Centre for Religion, Economy and Politics ( ), a joint venture by the Universities of Basel, Fribourg, Lausanne, Lucerne, Zurich, and the Collegium Helveticum. The ZRWP aims to analyse the interactions between religion, economy, and politics in an inter- and transdisciplinary way by encouraging innovative research on religion. By publishing monographs and edited volumes focused on content and methods, the series contributes to a better understanding and explanation of religion in society at a local, regional, national, and transnational level in a globalizing world.

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