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NK Neue Kriminalpolitik

Forum für Kriminalwissenschaft, Recht und Praxis

Prof. Dr. Tillmann Bartsch Prof. Dr. Klaus Boers Prof. Dr. Dr. Hauke Brettel Prof. Dr. Heinz Cornel Prof. Dr. Frieder Dünkel Prof. Dr. Andreas Eicker Prof. Dr. Monika Frommel Prof. Dr. Stefan Harrendorf Prof. Dr. Katrin Höffler Prof. Dr. Daniela Hunold PD Dr. Johannes Kaspar Prof. Dr. Joachim Kersten Prof. Dr. Jörg Kinzig Prof. Dr. Ralf Kölbel PD Dr. Reinhard Kreissl Prof. Dr. Christine Morgenstern Prof. Dr. Frank Neubacher Prof. Dr. Heribert Ostendorf Prof. Dr. Ineke Pruin PD Dr. Jens Puschke, LL.M. Jun.-Prof. Dr. Hendrik Schneider (V.i.S.d.P.) Prof. Dr. Tobias Singelnstein Prof. Dr. Bernd-Rüdeger Sonnen Prof. Dr. Torsten Verrel

Redaktion: Prof. Dr. Katrin Höffler, Universität Leipzig


About the Journal

Neue Kriminalpolitik brings together all disciplines in criminal law – it is the forum for criminal science, law and practice. The journal sees its priority in setting new standards and in providing a forum for interdisciplinary discussions which, including the knowledge from different countries, pursue the following targets: rational approach towards crime, the protection of the fundamental rights, the priority of social self-regulation and conflict solving while reducing state involvement.

The journal addresses criminologists, sociologists, lawyers, teachers, forensic psychiatrists and psychologists working in various kinds of fields such as politics and science.

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