Blockchain and the Law
This book analyses the new blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) in term of its impact on law, contracts and the digital economy. It discusses global legislation in the blockchain and its implications. The analysis of contracts includes the Bitcoin system and the Bitcoin Blockchain.
The book is written in an international and European perspective. It is characterised by a practical approach and addressed to lawyers who want to deepen their knowledge about legal aspects of new technologies such as the blockchain and other modern IT tools, but also to entrepreneurs, IT specialists, developers and IT managers in the implementation of DLT and block technologies
The book covers the following topics
Chapter I
Blockchains and DLT in the digital economy
Chapter II
Blockchains, DLT – basic terms
Chapter III
Blockchains in finance
Chapter IV
Durable media with blockchain technology
Chapter V
"Smart Contracts"
Chapter VI
The future of blockchain solutions in legal regulations (an initiated discussion).
Prof. UO dr hab. Dariusz Szostek is Director of the Centre for Legal Problems of Technic and New Technologies at the Faculty of Law University of Opole.
Der Band analysiert die neue Blockchain- und Distributed-Ledger-Technologie (DLT) sowie das Bitcoin-System im Hinblick auf ihre Auswirkungen auf Recht, Vertragsgestaltung und digitale Wirtschaft.
Aus einer internationalen und europäischen Perspektive geschrieben, hilft es juristischen Praktikern, aber auch Unternehmern, IT-Spezialisten, Entwicklern und IT-Managern beim Verständnis und der Gestaltung von DLT- und Blockchain-Technologien.
Aus dem Inhalt
Chapter I
Blockchains and DLT in the digital economy
Chapter II
Blockchains, DLT – basic terms
Chapter III
Blockchains in finance
Chapter IV
Durable media with blockchain technology
Chapter V
"Smart Contracts"
Chapter VI
The future of blockchain solutions in legal regulations (an initiated discussion).
Digitalisierung Netzwerke Blockchain Digitalization Kryptographie Bitcoin- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- 9–10 Introduction 9–10
- 141–152 Appendix 141–152
- 153–158 Bibliography 153–158
- 159–160 The Author 159–160
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