Vernunftrepublikaner, Reichskanzler, liberaler Außenminister
Das Staatsverständnis von Gustav Stresemann
The liberal politician Gustav Stresemann (1878-1929) has been called 'Weimar's greatest statesman' for the policies of reconciliation he pursued as chancellor, long-serving foreign minister and party leader. After the end of the monarchy, he worked to stabilise the state and strengthen the new Weimar democracy. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1926 for his foreign policy achievements. What were the motives behind his policies and how consistent was his quest for international understanding? What factors determined his political thought and action in the German Empire and Republic? These questions are still the subject of lively debate. This volume is intended as an up-to-date assessment. With contributions by Manfred Berg | Eckart Conze | Vanessa Conze | Wolfgang Elz | Janosch Förster | Jürgen Frölich | Julia Gehrke | Ewald Grothe | Wolther von Kieseritzky | Heike Knortz | Volker Köhler | Ulrich Lappenküper | Holger Löttel | Detlev Mares | Karl-Heinz Paqué | Karl Heinrich Pohl | Jonathan Wright
Deutschlands Außenbeziehungen europäische Einigung innenpolitische Stabilität internationale Verständigung Liberalismus Parlamentarismus Vertrag von Versailles Völkerbund Weimarer Republik- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten