Legal Tech
Information technology tools in the administration of justice
This book offers a comprehensive consideration of the problem of linking the law of new technologies to the work of a lawyer. The authors describe the development of technology and the tendency of technology to enter the domain that until recently was reserved only for lawyers. Today, information systems can not only support the work of the lawyer, but also replace it. In this book, legal issues are weaved with technical issues that have a significant impact on the understanding of the law, but also enable the understanding of processes (including IT) that have a significant impact on the law. The authors also pay attention to the cross-border nature and related issues. With contributions by Michał Araszkiewicz, Gabriela Bar, Wilfried Bernhard, Katarzyna Biczysko-Pudełko, Maddalena Castellani, Tomasz Chomicki, Patryk Ciurak, Wojciech Cyrul, Maria Dymitruk, Ewa Fabian, Tomasz Grzegory, Agnieszka Kubiak-Cyrul, Iga Kurowska, Małgorzata Kurowska, Pierpaolo Marano, Vytautas Nekrošius, Robert Pająk, Aleksandra Partyk, Przemysław Polański, Rafał Prabucki, Janos Puskas, Thiago Santos Rocha, Mauro Arturo Rivera León, Enrico Maria Scavone, Rafał Skibicki, Marek Świerczyński, Dariusz Szostek, Sylwester Szczepanik, Kamil Szpyt, Michał Tabor, Gabriela Wiktorzak, Michał Wódczak, Jakub Wyczik, Anna Zalesińska, Tomasz Zalewski, Mariusz Zalucki, Mario Zanin and Zsolt Ződi.
Der Band analysiert umfassend das Zusammenspiel von Recht und neuen Technologien für die anwaltliche Praxis. Die Autoren beschreiben technologische Entwicklungen von Informationssystemen, die die Arbeit von Anwälten nicht nur unterstützen, sondern sie am Ende gar ersetzen könnten. Im Band werden juristische mit technischen Fragen verwoben, die das Verständnis des Rechts erheblich beeinflussen. Das Verständnis technischer Prozesse (einschließlich IT) ermöglicht eine grenzüberschreitende Analyse der damit verbundenen Probleme. Mit Beiträgen von Michał Araszkiewicz, Gabriela Bar, Wilfried Bernhard, Katarzyna Biczysko-Pudełko, Maddalena Castellani, Tomasz Chomicki, Patryk Ciurak, Wojciech Cyrul, Maria Dymitruk, Ewa Fabian, Tomasz Grzegory, Agnieszka Kubiak-Cyrul, Iga Kurowska, Małgorzata Kurowska, Pierpaolo Marano, Vytautas Nekrošius, Robert Pająk, Aleksandra Partyk, Przemysław Polański, Rafał Prabucki, Janos Puskas, Thiago Santos Rocha, Mauro Arturo Rivera León, Enrico Maria Scavone, Rafał Skibicki, Marek Świerczyński, Dariusz Szostek, Sylwester Szczepanik, Kamil Szpyt, Michał Tabor, Gabriela Wiktorzak, Michał Wódczak, Jakub Wyczik, Anna Zalesińska, Tomasz Zalewski, Mariusz Zalucki, Mario Zanin und Zsolt Ződi.
»an interesting study of the influence of modern technologies on law, its creation, use in the work of a lawyer both preparing substantively to examine a legal problem and supporting the work of his office... shows how to prepare for the growing changes in the way a law firm operates and attempts to indicate the direction in which the legal profession is heading... The study is well documented by the available literature. It also takes into account the work of European institutions, especially the European Commission and the European Parliament. It is therefore not only a practical, simplified guide for practitioners on how lawyers should use modern technologies in their work, but a comprehensive, scientific study of the presented issues.« Prof. Jacek Golaczynski
Digitalisierung Datenschutz DSGVO Cloud Big Data Blockchain LegalTechKeywords
Artificial Intelligence access to justice GDPR e-contracts Legal Office Tokenisation Algorythmen Law Engineering code and law- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- 11–14 Introduction 11–14
- 407–414 Self Sovereign Identity 407–414
- 415–432 Electronic Delivery 415–432
- 433–462 Electronic Communication 433–462
- 487–502 Brazil 487–502
- 503–520 China 503–520
- 521–526 France 521–526
- 527–542 Germany 527–542
- 543–552 Hungary 543–552
- 553–582 Italy 553–582
- 583–586 Lithuania 583–586
- 587–596 Mexico 587–596
- 597–614 Poland 597–614
- 615–616 Summary of the book 615–616
- 617–628 About the authors 617–628
- 629–673 Bibliography 629–673
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