Korean International Students and the Making of Racialized Transnational Elites
By examining privileged and highly skilled Asian migrants, such as international students who acquire legal permanent residency in the United States, this book registers and traces these transnational figures as racialized transnational elites and illuminates the intersectionality and reconfiguration of race, class, ethnicity, and nationality. Using in-depth interviews with Korean international students in New York City and Koreans in South Korea as a case study, this book argues that racialized transnational elites are embedded in racial and ethnic dynamics in the United States as well as in class and nationalist conflicts with non-migrant co-ethnics in the sending country. Sung-Choon Park further argues that strategic responses to the local, social dynamics shape transnational practices such as diaspora-building, transfer of knowledge, conversion of cultural capital, and cross-border communication about race, causing heterogeneous social consequences in both societies.
Asia Asian American International Students Highly skilled migrants Korea immigration studies international relations social remittance Transnational Capitalist Class migration Racialized Transnational Elites- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–xii Preface i–xii
- 1–20 Introduction 1–20
- 21–42 Chapter 1 21–42
- 43–70 Chapter 2 43–70
- 71–88 Chapter 3 71–88
- 89–112 Chapter 4 89–112
- 113–132 Chapter 5 113–132
- 133–162 Chapter 6 133–162
- 163–188 Chapter 7 163–188
- 189–196 Conclusion 189–196
- 197–208 References 197–208
- 209–214 Index 209–214
- 215–216 About the Author 215–216