Becoming Bikini Bodybuilders
Challenges and Rewards of Ordinary Women Stepping on Stage
Becoming Bikini Bodybuilders: Challenges and Rewards of Ordinary Women Stepping on Stage offers an insight into the bikini category of natural female bodybuilding by revealing benefits and challenges experienced by ordinary women who decide to become bikini bodybuilders. Nina Michalikova challenges prevailing misconceptions and shows that not all female athletes follow extreme training and dietary measures for prolonged periods of time to achieve their desired physique. By highlighting the positive aspects of bikini bodybuilding, this book breaks the stereotypes of a “typical bikini competitor” as a hyper-sexualized woman with underlying health issues. In addition to studying a little understood population of bikini athletes, the study uses an innovative methodology to examine the topic.
natural bodybuilding COVID-19 drug-free bodybuilding female bodybuilding autoethnography bikini bodybuilders bikini competitors competitive bodybuilding- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–viii Preface i–viii
- 1–14 Introduction 1–14
- 15–36 Personal Life 15–36
- 37–62 Social Life 37–62
- 85–128 Diet 85–128
- 129–160 Training 129–160
- 161–180 Drugs and Supplements 161–180
- 181–224 Competing 181–224
- 225–240 Expenses 225–240
- 241–256 Health 241–256
- 257–264 Conclusion 257–264
- 265–278 References 265–278
- 279–286 Index 279–286
- 287–288 About the Author 287–288