Survivor Criminology
A Radical Act of Hope
Survivor Criminology: A Radical Act of Hope is a trauma-informed approach to the study of crime and justice that stems from the lived experiences of crime survivors. The chapters within this volume explore our authors’ who have each had close personal encounters with violence and death, as well as institutionalized oppressions based on racism, heterosexism, sexism, and poverty. As scholars, professors, practitioners, and students in the field, these lived experiences with crime and criminal justice have shaped their research, teaching, and advocacy work. Their voices represent experiences that are intersectional, mult-igenerational, global, trauma-informed and resiliency focused. They are deliberately and decidedly anti-racist, and their experiences acknowledge the harm that has resulted from institutionalized and structural trauma. Most importantly, their stories are grounded in their lived experiences.
This volume offers survivor criminology as a radical act of hope. Our hope comes from the belief that a trauma-centered approach to crime, justice, and healing provides the opportunity for criminology to expand its theoretical and methodological roots. We see this work as transformative for the discipline - for students, scholars, members of the community, and policy-makers.
BLM Restorative Justice Black Lives Matter healing feminist theory Narrative Criminology Spoken Word Poetry Trauma-informed practice Trauma-informed scholarship Scholar-Activist Interpersonal Violence Feminist Criminology Autoethnography #MeToo Movement Lived ExperienceKeywords
pedagogy Victimology mental health sexual violence- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–xxiv Preface i–xxiv
- 93–110 Navigating Survival 93–110
- 193–210 From Trauma to Healing 193–210
- 211–222 Conclusion 211–222
- 223–228 Index 223–228
- 229–230 About the Editors 229–230
- 231–236 About the Contributors 231–236