Is Asia Reconnecting?
Essays on Asia’s Infrastructure Contest
The CSIS Reconnecting Asia Project explores the drivers and implications of Asia’s infrastructure push. In this interdisciplinary volume, leading experts from government, academia, and industry answer six big questions about the region’s past and future. They consider whether new overland routes emerging between Asia and Europe can succeed, what unintended consequences might result, and how infrastructure can be used to advance strategic goals, among other topics.
- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–vi Preface i–vi
- 1–6 CHAPTER 1 1–6
- 7–14 CHAPTER 2 7–14
- 15–21 CHAPTER 3 15–21
- 22–29 CHAPTER 4 22–29
- 30–37 CHAPTER 5 30–37
- 38–44 CHAPTER 6 38–44
- 45–50 About the Authors 45–50