Masters of Preaching
The Most Poignant and Powerful Homilists in Church History
The history of Catholic homiletics is rich and layered with theology and spirituality. Every period of Church history contains preachers who have been blessed with oratorical skills and spiritual depth. They are saints, scholars, bishops, priests, and deacons from the Eastern and Western traditions. Masters of Preaching—the first book of its kind—lays the foundations for a deeper understanding of Christian preaching. It is an important contribution to the subjects of history and preaching. This exceptional text sheds light on the lives and sermons of the Church’s most talented preachers. Through the lives and works of thirty-one men, the reader will experience fine sermons from the most eloquent homilists. There is much to learn from this important book.
- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–xvi Preface i–xvi
- 1–3 Introduction 1–3
- 276–279 Conclusion 276–279
- 280–280 Abbreviations 280–280
- 283–297 Bibliography 283–297
- 298–299 Index of Homilies 298–299
- 300–304 Index 300–304
- 305–305 About the Author 305–305