@incollection{2023:pletina:the_import, title = {The importance of improving education of healthcare professionals on communication with minorities – experience with Roma in the Croatian healthcare system}, year = {2023}, note = {Although Roma, who have civil status in the Republic of Croatia, exercise the right to healthcare in accordance with the provisions of the Health Care Act and the Health Insurance Act in the same manner and under the same conditions as all other Republic of Croatia citizens, in real life when an individual and his family members are faced with a diagnosis of severe illness and enter a healthcare system in which healthcare professionals provide healthcare, there may be a lack of understanding in this interaction, and a kind of crisis communication that has been in practice so far. In order to better understand the Roma, we have established cooperation with representatives of the Council of Roma Minorities of the City of Zagreb. The main problem lies in the lack of understanding of the customs, beliefs, and value system of the Roma. It is necessary to conduct education on the specifics of national minorities and intercultural communication, which is a precondition for the realization of guaranteed rights and the provision of quality healthcare.}, booktitle = {Equal Access to Healthcare in Socially Diverse Societies}, pages = {253--266}, edition = {}, author = {Pleština, Sanja and Karabatić, Sandra}, publisher = {Karl Alber}, address = {Baden-Baden}, series = {Angewandte Ethik}, volume = {8} }