@article{2022:velasco:ethics_of_, title = {Ethics of Experience Design and Management in the Context of Digital Transformations}, year = {2022}, note = {Human-robot interaction (HRI) through the practice of different types of art is bringing to the table new perspectives on innovative interactions where the cooperation between artists and robots not only deliver original works of art but also novel communication mechanisms beyond spoken and written-based forms. Generative art, that is, artworks mediated by the interaction with computers in codes and art generated by artificial intelligence (AI), are having a profound impact in different fields of the arts, including visual arts, performative arts, music and literature. This research proposes to establish some fundamental logics behind the interaction between artists and AI-art generators in order to advance in the understanding of how the intersection of art and technology can transform the ways in which humans relate to robots and its impacts in the arts, the artistic community and their identities and community building.}, journal = {Morals & Machines}, pages = {8--21}, author = {Velasco, Carlos and Escobar, Francisco Barbosa and Petit, Olivia}, volume = {2}, number = {2} }