@article{2022:jackline:women_in_a, title = {Women in Artisanal and Small Scale Mining Uganda: Regulation, Barriers and Benefits}, year = {2022}, note = {This study gives an overview of women in artisanal and small scale mining in Uganda (ASM). It sheds light on regulatory framework while citing the barrier and benefits. In summary the finding of the study are namely; - (i) Many studies describe how male dominated the mining industry is. - (ii) Women play a significant role in ASM, however, much of their work takes place illegally. In Africa alone ASM workforce comprises of 40-50 % women. - (iii) Although many women work in ASM, the exact number of women involved in remains largely unknown. - (iv) ASM is a source of livelihood and has other social economic benefits for many women and in poor rural families in Uganda. - (v) The study reveals key barriers that women in ASM face and suggest what can be done to make it more gender responsive.}, journal = {KAS African Law Study Library}, pages = {4--21}, author = {Jackline, Asiimwe}, volume = {9}, number = {1} }