@article{2020:bibi_ekomene:la_promoti, title = {LA PROMOTION DE L’ENTREPRENEURIAT FEMININ PAR LE MICROCREDIT EN REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE DU CONGO}, year = {2020}, note = {This study analyses issues based on the contribution of microcredit to women's empowerment, the difficulties women face in carrying out their activities and whether the hypothesis of women's access to microcredit can promote their entrepreneurship. The author begins by taking stock of women's entrepreneurship in the DRC, where women's activities are still mainly informal, then examines the state of legal protection for these activities and the advantages and limitations of access to credit, and finally highlights the challenges faced by these women and proposes some possible solutions for the effective promotion of women's entrepreneurship and empowerment of women in the DRC.}, journal = {KAS African Law Study Library}, pages = {350--361}, author = {Bibi Ekomene, Genèse}, volume = {7}, number = {2} }