@article{2020:kaciunga_mbenga:le_droit_d, title = {LE DROIT D’APPEL DANS DES LITIGES COMMERCIAUX EN REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE DU CONGO}, year = {2020}, note = {This study deals with a question of judicial law, the right of appeal, which, moreover, is a recognized right of any party to a trial whose interests are no longer respected at first instance to be able to refer the matter to the superior judge. In this case, we deal with the right of appeal in commercial disputes, it should be noted at this stage that, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, commercial matters are dealt with on the one hand by the Commercial Court, and on the other hand, subject to the rules of the Uniform Act relating to General Commercial Law. This tribunal, established under Law No. 002/2001 of 3 July 2001 on the creation, organisation and functioning of commercial courts, is intended to be a specialised court before which the procedural rules remain specific, all the more so as it is set up in order to deal with commercial matters with celerity while avoiding the cumbersome nature of ordinary law courts. However, there is an inconsistency in this field when the legislator submits the appeal of these commercial disputes to the Court of Appeal, which has no jurisdiction in this field; does not apply the special procedural rules and, one falls back into the cumbersomeness so much to avoid, hence, the Commercial Court Act should be revised along the lines of the Act ... which sets up the appeal chamber within the specialized court itself and therefore, that the commercial court should hear appeals against its judgments rendered at first instance by an appeal chamber within it.}, journal = {KAS African Law Study Library}, pages = {282--298}, author = {Kaciunga Mbenga, Joseph}, volume = {7}, number = {2} }