@article{2020:abdou_muhima:lorgani, title = {L’ORGANISATION ET LE FONCTIONNEMENT DE LA PROFESSION D’HUISSIER DE JUSTICE EN REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE DU CONGO : ETAT DES LIEUX ET ENJEUX ACTUELS}, year = {2020}, note = {This article discusses the opportunity of the liberalization of the occupation of enforcement agent (Bailliff) in DRC and the role played by the bailliff in the administration of justice for the promotion and the consolidation of the Rule of law in DRC. Before the organic law of 2016 on the occupation of enforcement agent, they did not profit from the necessary guarantees to play its role of legal profession of proximity and social. With its liberalization, this profession is structured in the national and provincial chambers of enforcement agent. Each of its structures is composed of a General Assembly, an Office and an Auditor. These various bodies ensure the efficiency and integrity of the profession. And, This reform allows bailiffs to organize themselves into an autonomous and independent corporation benefiting from the necessary guarantee to contribute effectively to the good administration of justice and the consolidation of the Rule of law in the DRC.}, journal = {KAS African Law Study Library}, pages = {259--269}, author = {Abdou Muhima, Moïse}, volume = {7}, number = {2} }