@article{2020:shamashanga_minga:linspec, title = {L’INSPECTORAT GENERAL DES SERVICES JUDICIAIRES : UN SERVICE EN MARGE DE LA CONSTITUTION CONGOLAISE DU 18 FEVRIER 2006 ?}, year = {2020}, note = {This study analyses the General Inspectorate of Judicial Services established under the Second Republic by the Order of 23 June 1987 in a context marked by the negation of the separation of powers. The existence of the General Inspectorate of Judicial Services is seen by some as undermining the principles of the separation of powers and the independence of the judiciary and the judge enshrined in the Constitution of 18 February 2006. The study shows, however, that the enshrinement of the principles of the separation of powers and the independence of the judiciary does not prevent the existence of a public service with the task of monitoring the functioning of judicial institutions and ensuring the proper administration of justice by the courts and tribunals and the prosecution service. However, some of the powers conferred on the Inspectorate-General of Judicial Services by the above-mentioned ordinance are contrary to the Constitution in that they allow the members of the Inspectorate-General of Judicial Services to assess the work of the judge. It is thus within the competence of the members of the Inspectorate-General to ensure, in the course of their mission, the proper administration of justice and the normal dispatch of cases, in particular by examining files, registers and copies of judgements. The study proposes the reform of the Inspectorate-General of Judicial Services in order to bring its mission into line with the Constitution and the new legislation governing the justice sector. In this context, the first reform consists in giving a legal basis to the ordinance establishing the General Inspectorate of Judicial Services, since this text does not currently have a legal basis. The second reform concerns the operational and structural framework of the General Inspectorate of Judicial Services. The third reform concerns the provision of substantial human, material and financial resources to this service to enable it to play an effective role in the proper administration of justice in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.}, journal = {KAS African Law Study Library}, pages = {243--258}, author = {Shamashanga Minga, Clément}, volume = {7}, number = {2} }