@article{2019:minga:recusation, title = {Recusation du Juge dans la Procedure Civile : Cadre Juridique et Enjeux Actuels}, year = {2019}, note = {This study focuses on the analysis of the legal framework and the current challenges of the judge's challenge in Congolese civil proceeding. It demonstrates that curently the challenge of the judge is governed mainly by the provisions of Articles 49 to 59 of the organic law on the organization, functioning and jurisdiction of the courts of the judiciary. To these provisions are added the provisions of Articles 36 to 42 of the Act of 16 October 2002 on the establishment, organization and functioning of labor courts, as well as those of Article 16 of the Act of 3 July establishing, organizing and operating Commercial courts. Although resuming the main causes of disqualification provided for by the majority of State legislation, the provisions governing recusation currently in the Democratic Republic of Congo do not cover the grounds giving rise to the disqualification of the judge. This is a weakness in the guarantee of impartiality of the judge which is considered the first requirement of the judge function. As a result, the study reveals that challenges to judges are rarely resolved in the courts. This situation is primarily due to the need for the judges involved to deport automatically without waiting for the outcome of the proceedings and, secondly, the non-respect of the procedure by the litigants and the difficulty for them to prove evidence of bias on the part of the judge.}, journal = {KAS African Law Study Library}, pages = {186--204}, author = {Minga, Clément Shamashanga}, volume = {6}, number = {2} }