@article{2019:ngombo:le_parquet, title = {Le Parquet General Pres La Cour Constitutionnelle : Un Ornement De Trop?}, year = {2019}, note = {This article sheds light on the powers of a particular institution attached to the constitutional Court of the Democratic Republic of Congo: the general prosecutor office. After highlighting the attributes, it demonstrates that this institution is only a decor in the Congolese arsenal of justice since its powers can be exercised by the Court itself, the body of referendum advisers, political authorities, technocrats, economists, and even by the rest of the people. Thus, this analysis proposes the suppression of the general prosecutor office, or establishing a recourse to the service of the prosecutor general office attached to the Council of state or the superior Court respectively about litigations involving acts or people.}, journal = {KAS African Law Study Library}, pages = {166--185}, author = {Ngombo, Yannick Miteo}, volume = {6}, number = {2} }