@article{2019:nkashama:le_parquet, title = {Le Parquet Comme Acteur de la Justice en Republique Democratique du Congo}, year = {2019}, note = {The study focuses on the prosecution as one of the actors of justice in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The author considers that this institution is omnipresent in the Congolese judicial area, especially since there is the prosecutor's office attached to each jurisdiction. At the same time, he plays the role of investigating judge and prosecutor in criminal litigation, and gives reasoned opinions on any question of law submitted to the judge in other matters. However, the floating status of the Procuratorate between the institution of the judiciary and the Government's instrument, under the authority of the Minister of Justice, makes public prosecutors highly vulnerable to political influence.}, journal = {KAS African Law Study Library}, pages = {138--154}, author = {Nkashama, Symphorien Kapinga K.}, volume = {6}, number = {2} }