@article{2018:ninyio:civil_cour, title = {Civil Court Staff In Nigeria: Working Conditions And Legal Training For An Effective Procedure}, year = {2018}, note = {In Nigeria, there is no clear distinction between a Civil Court and a Criminal Court however; a court may be referred to as civil court when it is exercising its civil jurisdiction. This paper looked at the working conditions of court staff in Nigeria alongside the legal training for an effective procedure obtainable therein with the view to critically examine how effective in practical situations these working conditions are demonstrated. The researcher in bringing to light the subject matter of this work, had exhaustively through the combination of both qualitative and quantitative research methodology consulted materials off and on field which served as the main tool that helped in wrapping this research work. The significance of this work cannot be overemphasised especially having regard to the fact that recently the incessant strikes that bedevilled the judicial sector had more often than not crippled the flow of activities therein are mostly attributed to either poor remuneration or unfair conditions of services when compared to other government establishments. It was against this backdrop that the need to look into this issue extensively became expedient so as to proffer headway that could in the long run aid in curbing some of these issues head-on. It was recommended that regular trainings be organised for the judicial staff as well as improved and better remuneration be given to these staff so as to help them stay focused and disabuse their minds from the surging bribery and corruption that today has become the bane in the system.}, journal = {KAS African Law Study Library}, pages = {68--79}, author = {Ninyio, Ninette Nyalyen}, volume = {5}, number = {1} }