@article{2018:akpoghome:criminal_p, title = {Criminal Proceedings, The Public And The Media In Nigeria: Influence On Court’s Decision?}, year = {2018}, note = {This paper focuses on the influence of the public and media on court’s decisions in criminal proceedings in Nigeria. The paper notes that an accused person is presumed innocent until his guilt has been proven beyond reasonable doubt. He is also entitled to a fair trial within a reasonable time by a properly constituted court that is independent and impartial. On the other hand, the paper discovers that the Constitution guarantees freedom of expression and the press and notes that the judiciary acknowledges the fact that a free press is very vital to the survival of any democracy and the press must work together with the courts to educate the public except where circumstances prevents such. The paper notes that in the exercise of press freedom, the media has been engaging in media trial in Nigeria and this has affected the perceptions of the public with respect to criminal proceedings and judgments emanating from the courts. The paper also notes that media trial could be detrimental to the dispensation of justice where judges are pressured to give decisions in line with public opinion as against the rules laid down by the law. Having examined the laws and other issues that have arisen as a result of media trial, the paper recommends that the media should adopt best global practices in the profession and should be conversant with the law of defamation and contempt. The paper further recommends that lawyers should desist from making comments and utterances that prejudice cases before the courts but rather work towards protecting the integrity and dignity of the legal profession and the courts. The paper concludes by urging that the younger generations should be educated on how criminal proceedings work and the dangers of the perception created by media trials.}, journal = {KAS African Law Study Library}, pages = {122--143}, author = {Akpoghome, Theresa U.}, volume = {5}, number = {1} }