@article{2016:muhima:etat_de_dr, title = {ETAT DE DROIT ET TERRORISME EN AFRIQUE CENTRALE : QUELS ENJEUX POUR LA REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE DU CONGO?}, year = {2016}, note = {This study is a wake-up call for the political leaders of the Democratic Republic of Congo, for they see the need and challenges of prevention and suppression of terrorism in the DRC which is a major issue in the geostrategy and geopolitics of the upsurge of extremism in Africa and in the region threatening the contemporary nature of the rule of law. That is why it should be the first nation to take precautions high bill for fight against this scourge, be- cause of its stability, depends on which of these nine neighbors spread over three African regions. The danger is the dynamics of the export of the threat of Somali Shebaab fighting alongside rebel groups operating large forest areas in north-eastern DRC, to which must be added the wave of the Islamic state in West Africa, former Boko haram, which haunts the West African sparing Central Africa. This dynamic threatens the state in its contemporary existence; and the disaster for the region and for the DRC also remains inadequate Con- golese system of prevention, control and pressure of violent extremism and terrorism which consists only of a legal arsenal globalizing and specialized technical institutions that do not take into account the specificities, challenges and interests of African and Congolese in- volved.}, journal = {KAS African Law Study Library}, pages = {9--35}, author = {MUHIMA, Moïse ABDOU}, volume = {3}, number = {1} }