@article{2015:razzolini:constituti, title = {Constitutionalization of Socio-Economic Rights at the EU Level: Some Critical Notes}, year = {2015}, note = {Frank I. Michelman raises four questions concerning the opportunity to include socio-economic rights in a country’s constitutional law. The first is a question of ideal political morality and an aspiration of justice in modern pluralist conditions. The second explores whether a commitment to socio-economic rights in constitutional law is a condition of minimum moral legitimacy that otherwise allows a state regime to require compliance by citizens with its statutory laws and policies. The third question concerns the need for a constitutional basis for socio-economic rights or legitimation-by-constitution. Finally, the fourth is a question of “judicialization”, involving the competence of the country’s courts of law to scrutinize “the adequacy of the state’s performance in the field of social provisioning” and, in a broader sense, the legitimacy and adequacy of the state’s economic policy, which scrutiny is usually deemed impossible in the United States.}, journal = {KritV Kritische Vierteljahresschrift für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft}, pages = {284--302}, author = {Razzolini, Orsola}, volume = {98}, number = {3} }