@article{2014:brachthuser:der_rechts, title = {Der rechtsfreie Raum zwischen den Geschlechtern – Gewalt an intergeschlechtlichen Menschen und resultierender Bedarf an Schutznormen}, year = {2014}, note = {Inter-sexuality is an almost unknown phenomenon in society. Mostly unknown is the fact that inter-sexual children are subjected immediately after birth to gender reassignment surgery in accordance with standard medical practice, which in many cases leads to irreversible physical and mental suffering. In particular, under the impact of the "circumcision debate" the insistence was often formulated to limit the right of parental consent in medical procedures on the child. In the case of gender reassignment surgery, this has barely happened with inter-sexual children.The article examines the concept of violence in the context of gender reassignment surgery to inter-sexual children. The underlying understanding of violence is borrowed from the feminist discourse.Integrated violence in the mixture of medical "best practices" and "child's well-being" is actually not so easy to identify. Therefore, the question arises as to what the state conditions are that even make the use of violence at all possible. And further: how does the government exercise its responsibility to stop the violence by closing these lawless areas? The article attempts a legal analysis to get down to the bottom of these issues. In particular, the legal concept of "child's well-being" reflects what kind of political protective obligations actually exist. On the basis of this argumentation, it becomes clear why the violence to inter-sexual children is hardly known and also why it is necessary that this should change in future.}, journal = {KritV Kritische Vierteljahresschrift für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft}, pages = {292--311}, author = {Brachthäuser, Franziska and Richarz, Theresa}, volume = {97}, number = {3} }