@article{2014:duve:rechtsgesc, title = {Rechtsgeschichte – Traditionen und Perspektiven}, year = {2014}, note = {On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Goethe University, Frankfurt, the piece traces some institutional and analytical traditions of research into the history of law in Germany in the past century. By highlighting the final years of Imperial Germany under the Kaiser and then the Bonn- and Berlin-based German Republics, it becomes clear that, irrespective of all the changes in systems and world wars which have been experienced, radical changes can be seen to have occurred in the conditions surrounding research into the history of law, especially in terms of the legal and academic system, precisely during the last quarter of a century. For this reason, even such a relatively small-scale discipline as German-language research into the history of law needs to reflect on the consequences of the creation of world-wide structures and the transnational development of academic studies and law. This is all the more true as the history of law, like German Law studies as a whole, could make an important contribution to the transnational studies of law which are coming into existence - and thereby itself help to open up fascinating intellectual possibilities.}, journal = {KritV Kritische Vierteljahresschrift für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft}, pages = {96--132}, author = {Duve, Thomas}, volume = {97}, number = {2} }