@article{2017:covolo:regulation, title = {Regulation 833/2013 - Concerning Investigations Conducted by OLAF: A Missed Opportunity for Substantial Reforms?}, year = {2017}, note = {Four years after the first proposal for regulation presented by the European Commission, the establishment of a European Public Prosecutor Office is still subject to an intense debate among the EU institutions and the Member States. While the legal doctrine has extensively debated the question, little attention has been paid to the legislative reform adopted in 2013 that intended to improve investigations conducted by the existing European body having competence to investigate fraud and corruption against the EU financial interests: the European Anti-Fraud Office. Drawing on a comprehensive analysis of the new Regulation 883/2013 concerning investigations conducted by OLAF, the paper comes to the conclusion that the enacted reform fails to address some crucial issues that the European anti-fraud enforcement system is facing and will still face after the eventual creation of an EU prosecutorial authority.}, journal = {EuCLR European Criminal Law Review}, pages = {151--176}, author = {Covolo, Valentina}, volume = {7}, number = {2} }