@article{2016:perilongo:much_ado_a, title = {Much Ado About Something? The PIF Directive Proposal and its Impact on the Italian Legal System}, year = {2016}, note = {The essay analyses and compares the supranational and the Italian legal frameworks on the protection of the financial interests of the EU, with a view to investigating the significance of the developments in this field for the Italian criminal justice system. After an historical overview of the evolution of EU frauds and fraud-related offences, the article analyses the 2012 PIF Directive Proposal, providing a state of play of the current negotiations. The author then examines the Italian legal framework on EU frauds: the study covers the discipline provided for by both the Penal Code and by complementary legislation, in order to point out the provisions that could be concerned by the new harmonised criminal law instrument. The final paragraph focuses on the different criminal policies pursued by the national and supranational legislators in the contrast to tax frauds.}, journal = {EuCLR European Criminal Law Review}, pages = {265--283}, author = {Perilongo, Giovanni F.}, volume = {6}, number = {3} }