@article{2019:radechovsky:nothing, title = {Nothing’s gonna change my world – Or do journalistic clarifications help against rumors?}, year = {2019}, note = {In the current digitalized media landscape, communicators and recipients are struggling to produce and identify reliable information in order to cope with rumors, misconceptions, and fake news. In the face of this, the popularity and relevance of factchecking services have increased in recent years. Nevertheless, not much is known about the effectiveness of these journalistic entities. This study proposes a theoretical framework that systemizes possible influencing factors. An online survey of 607 German media users was conducted, measuring the effectiveness of several clarifications in adjusting recipients’ misperceptions about six current controversial issues in Germany. The results indicate that journalistic clarifications are in fact capable of causing an adjustment process. Regression analyses show that, contrary to expectations, the users’ attitudes that go against the message of the clarification had only a small effect on the adjustment process. Media reliance had positive effects on only one issue, as well, and cognitive mobilization on two issues. A positive evaluation of the quality of the clarification showed effects in four cases, but not always as expected. Evaluations of the credibility of the communicator delivered no effects.}, journal = {SCM Studies in Communication and Media}, pages = {497--522}, author = {Radechovsky, Johanna and Berger, Priscila and Wolling, Jens}, volume = {8}, number = {4} }