@article{2018:rieger:hate_and_c, title = {Hate and counter-voices in the Internet: Introduction to the special issue}, year = {2018}, note = {The Internet creates a space in which hate, negativity and the derogation of certain individuals or social groups (e.g., homosexuals, migrants, or women) can be found in various facets-be it in hateful comments of single users under journalistic online articles or below YouTube videos, propagandistic messages of extremists, or populist speech of political parties. At the same time, the Internet can also empower voices against online hate. The articles in this special issue focus on this spectrum, providing new insights into hate and counter-voices in online media.}, journal = {SCM Studies in Communication and Media}, pages = {459--472}, author = {Rieger, Diana and Schmitt, Josephine B. and Frischlich, Lena}, volume = {7}, number = {4} }