@article{2016:marquart:campaignin, title = {Campaigning subtle exclusionism: The effects of right-wing populist positive ads on attitudes toward foreigners in Austria Subtile Exklusion: Die Wirkung positiver rechtspopulistischer Plakatwerbung auf Einstellungen gegenüber Ausländern in Österreich}, year = {2016}, note = {While most right-wing populist parties use negative political ads that openly attack foreigners and immigrants, some have begun to frame their campaigns more positively. This study examines the 2013 poster campaign on ‘brotherly love’ by the Austrian Freedom Party, which preaches love only for fellow countrymen, excluding foreign citizens. A quota-based experiment reveals that this campaign yields interesting effects on attitudes: Party opponents and ambivalent voters reacted with more negative campaign evaluations and less patriotic feelings. This, in turn, strengthened positive attitudes toward foreigners. Party supporters were unaffected by the poster advertisements.}, journal = {SCM Studies in Communication and Media}, pages = {223--239}, author = {Marquart, Franziska and Matthes, Jörg}, volume = {5}, number = {2} }