@article{2018:hollstein:shifts_in_, title = {Shifts in the Semantics and Forms of Corruption. Developing a Research Agenda}, year = {2018}, note = {In my contribution, I will show how the concept of corruption changed over time, departing from its meaning in antiquity and developing to normative concepts in modernity. Different disciplines (law, politics and economics) focus on specific aspects of the concept of corruption, namely on legality, democracy and transactions, all of which will be considered here. In conclusion, I want to develop a research agenda from a pragmatist point of view for a situational concept of corruption and differentiate, according to the problems under discussion, different dimensions of corruption.}, journal = {zfwu Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik}, pages = {25--39}, author = {Hollstein, Bettina}, volume = {19}, number = {1} }